5 Places to See Camels in the Wild

Camels are remarkable creatures used by humanity for centuries as transportation, trade and racing vehicles. Additionally, camels are popular tourist attractions; here are 5 places around the world where you can see one.

1. Thar Desert, India

The Thar Desert in northern India is India’s largest desert and home to an abundant camel population. Situated approximately 200k sq kilometers across, its climate consists of intense heat and dry conditions; average temperature averages out around 30C.

Camels have proven themselves adept at adapting to the harsh conditions of Thar Desert with thick fur that helps keep them cool, as well as their ability to survive long stretches without drinking water. Plus, camels are strong animals capable of carrying loads up to 100 kilograms!

There are multiple ways you can encounter camels in the Thar Desert: taking a camel safari, desert camping trip or visiting Pushkar Camel Fair are just three. Pushkar is known for hosting one of India’s major cultural events each November called Pushkar Camel Fair which attracts people from both within India as well as around the globe.

5 Places to See Camels in the Wild

2. Sahara Desert, Africa

The Sahara Desert, situated in North Africa and covering approximately 9 million square kilometers, boasts the world’s largest desert environment and serves as home for numerous animals such as camels. On average, temperatures here can reach 35 degrees Celsius on an annual basis.

Camels have successfully adapted to survive in the harsh Sahara Desert conditions by developing thick fur that provides insulation against heat loss while their long water consumption periods allow them to go long periods without needing water refill. Furthermore, camels are known for being extremely strong animals capable of carrying large loads with no issues at all.

Camels in the Sahara Desert can be witnessed many ways; you could go on a camel safari, camping trip or visit one of several oasis oases which provide water. Oases provide shelter to various plants and animals living within these oasis areas of water availability in the desert.

3. Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum in Jordan is an iconic desert valley known for its red sandstone cliffs and towering mountains clad with red sandstone, boasting dramatic red sandstone cliffs. Home to an abundance of camels, it covers approximately 720 square kilometers in area with temperatures typically reaching 30 degrees Celsius on average year.

Camels have proven adept in adapting to the harsh conditions of Wadi Rum, featuring thick fur to help them keep cool while remaining unaffected by water shortages for extended periods. Furthermore, camels are extremely strong animals capable of transporting large loads.

Wadi Rum offers many ways for visitors to see camels. A camel safari, hiking trip, rock climbing or camping trip in the desert may all offer excellent chances to see camels up close and personal. Additionally, visitors may wish to stop by one of several Bedouin camps located within its valley – Bedouin people are the traditional inhabitants who reside within tents made out of goat hair and inhabit this part of Jordan.

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4. Morocco

Morocco, an African nation in North Africa, is best-known for its camel population. These animals serve a multitude of uses in transportation, tourism and racing events in Morocco; you’re most likely to spot one near Sahara Desert, Atlas Mountains and Marrakech city.

The Sahara Desert of Morocco is an idyllic destination for camel safaris. Camels also make appearances in the Atlas Mountains where they serve both transportation and tourism purposes, and in Marrakech’s bustling souks (markets).

5. Egypt

Egypt, located in North Africa, is widely recognized for its pyramids, sphinxes and camels. Camel use has long been employed for transportation and trade throughout Egypt’s history; some great spots to spot them include Giza Plateau, Valley of Kings and Siwa Oasis.

Giza Plateau, home to the Great Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza; Valley of the Kings as burial ground; Siwa Oasis located in Western Egypt – these landmarks make up what are commonly referred to as Egypt’s wonders.

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Tips for Seeing Camels

  • Bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Be prepared for a bumpy ride. Camels are not known for their smooth gait!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The tour guide will be happy to tell you more about camels and their history.
  • Be respectful of the camels. They are gentle creatures, but they can be unpredictable.
  • Have fun! Seeing camels is a great way to experience a new culture and learn about these amazing creatures.

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